Wednesday (10/25) the midwife said her head was engaged. They didn’t do any cervical checks during routine prenatal visits at the birth center so I didn’t know if I was dilated at all yet. Friday I had a fun day with a friend. Came home and listened to one of my relaxation recordings from hypnobirthing and took a 90 min nap. Ate dinner then worked on my knitting. Was having
Finn’s Birth
Finn Isaac entered our lives on February 3, 2018, weighing 7 lb 10 oz. His birth was fast and furious after many days of waiting: 4 hours from the start of counting contractions to when he was placed on my chest. Faster than what this first-time mama expected, but I had been in early labor with very little discomfort for the 2+ weeks leading up to his birth. I am
Mina’s Birth Story
I went into labor Sunday night after yoga and a perfect date night with my husband. We chose his name during dinner and boom, 11pm my water broke. With my first, it was an explosive break right before she came out, so this time, I was not even 100% sure if I had imagined the feeling at first… like a tiny water balloon popping. But then when I moved, I
Heather’s Birth Story
All those squats and child’s poses prepped my legs for multiple hours of squatting. Thank you for that. And for being my calm space while pregnant. I will really miss your classes. Any chance you’re going to start a baby and me or postpartum class? I would pay!! I’m serious. I had been to a few yoga classes here and there over the years, but nothing ever stuck. But once

June’s Birth
I had an amazing home birth and I would love to share my story! I had a healthy pregnancy and stayed active with bike commuting, hiking, and yoga. Carol’s classes really helped me to relax and take time to enjoy my second pregnancy, which I found harder to do this time since I was so busy caring for my older daughter and working full time as a midwife in a