Thalia’s Birth Story

Oliver Milo Read born Oct 14th, 2.47.Thalia's Birth Story at MamaSpace Yoga 6lbs 10 oz

I was hoping for a natural childbirth and I wanted to carry my baby at least to term, hoping he’d come out on his own, despite my OB advising me to induce at 39 weeks. (due to my age, I’m 43!)

However at a routine check up on Oct 10th (39 weeks and 3 days,) it was discovered that the fluid levels in my uterus were on the low side and my OB was worried it could be a sign of a deteriorating placenta and sent me to the hospital for an induction.

They tried a number of things, all the different drugs and a foley balloon, my cervix just wasn’t responding! Fortunately Little Ollie’s heart rate remained constant and strong throughout. On Saturday it was decided to try much larger doses of pitocin to try to get things moving that way. I asked to be unhooked from the monitors for a short time and I went for an Indian curry with my Doula for lunch, a break from the hospital room and food was much needed! After that, Saturday afternoon I started the pitocin and by late evening my contractions were strong and regular. I used the positions and breathing I had learned in Yoga, and tried hard to relax and rest in-between contractions. After about 6 hours I decided they were too much and elected for an epidural. I had not intended to do this but in the end I was thankful for the pain relief, I was even able to get a little sleep.

Late Sunday morning my cervix had finally opened up and my waters broke on their own. Once I started pushing he came quickly, in an hour and a half. There were some scary moments as his heart rate dropped with the contractions, the nurses propped me up onto my hands and knees and gave my oxygen to breath between contractions. I concentrated hard to relaxing and breathing and thankfully these things seems to do the trick. I know an emergency cesarean was being considered and I am happy that it didn’t come to this and I managed to deliver him vaginally. I am grateful to the amazing nurses at Good Sam who took care of us as well as the support I received from my Husband and Doula that helped make this possible.  He is now a happy, healthy little thing, putting weight on a rapid rate!

– Thalia