
10 Ways to Prioritize Your Pregnancy/New Parenthood Relationship by Jacqueline Holden at MamaSpace Yoga

10 Ways to Prioritize Your Relationship During Pregnancy/New Parenthood

By Guest Blogger, Jacqueline Holden, MA, NCC, PMH-C The New Parent Checklist When preparing to welcome a new baby, parents often make long lists of things to buy and classes to take. Most prenatal checklists look the same: -find a provider -take a childbirth class -schedule maternity pictures -decorate the nursery -write a birth plan Preparing Your Relationship Unfortunately, what’s missing from most lists is anything about preparing your relationship

The Importance of YOUR Village (not your kiddo’s) by Olivia Spitzer at MamaSpace Yoga

Your Village Built By You

By Guest Blogger, Olivia Spitzer We have all heard the adage, “It takes a village to raise a child.” As new parents, a big piece of your work is identifying who will be included in your child’s village. During (and even before) pregnancy, you are already thinking about which grandparents will be available to you for support. You know which friends will serve as aunties or uncles. You find a

6 Tips for Bringing Home Baby Number Two By Krystle Gard at MamaSpace Yoga

6 Tips for Bringing Home Baby Number Two

By Guest Blogger, Krystle Gard When you bring your first baby home time stops. Your whole life is now all about them. You feed on demand, sleep when you can, and stare at that sweet baby for hours. Life is relatively simple. And by ‘simple,’ I mean you have one sweet baby to care for. Enter baby number two and everything shifts. Now you need to navigate how to feed

Postpartum Doulas Fill the Healthcare Gap During COVID and Beyond at MamaSpace Yoga

Postpartum Doulas Fill the Healthcare Gap During COVID and Beyond

By Guest Blogger, Marnellie Bishop The arrival of a global pandemic on America’s shores has quickly and glaringly brought to light the dangers of the US healthcare system. The COVID-19 crisis made it painfully clear that our medical institutions are failing a significant portion of our citizens. Sadly, postpartum doulas have known this for a long time. Fortunately, these newborn specialists are ready and able to support the whole family

Parenthood Disconnect by Carol Gray at MamaSpace Yoga

Parenthood Disconnect

By Carol Gray, LMT, CST, RPYT, ERYT-200 I recently reflected on a meeting I had a few years ago with second-time expectant parents. As their three year old played with toys in my living room they told me about the parenting challenges they had weathered since the last time I was their midwife. They had a great home birth the first time around, but wondered why they had focused so

Carol Gray at MamaSpace YogaShares an Informative Podcast About Normal Infant Sleep

I Hate Podcasts

By Carol Gray, LMT, CST, RPYT, ERYT-200 I guess I’m not an auditory type. However, I LOVED this podcast – every minute of it. I listened to ALL of it! I love James McKenna! I really do! I LOVED his books – especially his most recent one: Safe Infant Sleep: Expert Answers to Your Cosleeping Questions by James J. McKenna. Ph.D. Dr. McKenna hit another home run with this book.