Edith’s Birth

Edith was born at 9 pm after almost 24 hours of labor and an hour of pushing. Our birth did not go as planned and I was ready for the unexpected. One of the things I focused on in the last trimester was letting go and remembering that at the end of the journey you meet your child, no matter what the steps on the path look like.

At our 38 week check up my blood pressure was climbing up and up so we went from a simple check in straight to the labor and delivery wing.

My labor desires were to have a lot of movement and freedom and to labor with my doula at home-most of that flew out the window. I struggled with being connected to the monitors and tried to walk around the halls but being tethered made that difficult. I finally found peace and motion on the yoga ball. The breathing work we did in class stayed with me and was there when I needed it most. I also clearly remember having a wave of fear and concern (and nausea) when I hit the complete stage and learned it was time to push, along with those emotions a subtle excitement and connectivity was there and I could hear Carol’s voice saying 360,000 other women are experiencing birth now and I was comforted to be on the team as I rotated to a side lying squat to try and open my pelvis just a little bit wider. I was able to listen to my body and my babies needs and that hour was slow and steady and focused and out came baby in what seemed like only minutes (not the hour I heard later) having Edith placed on my chest and sharing the moment with Dustin was the best feeling in the world.

MamaSpace Yoga was with me the entire journey and supported such a healthy pregnancy and delivery. I am so grateful to have experienced the gift of guidance in yoga and community and look forward to continuing on in the 4th trimester with CST work.