infant care


WHY ARE WE ARE PUTTING BABIES TO SLEEP ON THEIR BACKS? THE HONG KONG STUDIES In 1985 after retrospectively investigating only 15 deaths, researchers concluded that that Hong Kong had a much lower rate of unexplained infant deaths than that of Western countries. They cited a low incidence of preterm birth in Hong Kong (a known risk factor for unexplained infant death) and two significant differences in infant sleep environments

Top 5 Tips: Lactation and Infant Feeding

Top 5 Tips: Lactation and Infant Feeding

By Guest Blogger, Melissa Cole, IBCLC, RLC, 1. Your goals matter As a parent, you probably have some thoughts to how you envision feeding your baby. Your goals matter, whatever they may be! If you feel that you feel that lactation or feeding is not going how you envisioned, please reach out for support. There are many ways to love and feed a baby. You deserve personalized care. Whether it

The Things We Do (After Birth) To Prevent Babies From Moving by Carol Gray at MamaSpace Yoga

Things We Do (After Birth) to Prevent Babies From Moving

By Carol Gray, LMT, CST, RPYT, ERYT-200 I can’t leave The Stuck Baby Series without describing baby immobilization and container lifestyle. In this article I outline the most significant ways in which we prevent our babies from moving after they are born. It seems like the perfect preparation for a sedentary life in a recliner in front of a screen. Developmental delays are on the rise. It’s estimated that 15%