Our Postpartum Yoga Videos are suitable for people who are at least 40 days postpartum
Restore Yourself - With Colin Hogan - 37 minutes
Props: 1 Mat, 2 Blankets, 2 Blocks, 1 Wall, 1-3 Bolsters
Nadi Shodhana - With Emily Dalsfoist - 16 minutes
No props needed.
Chakra Meditation - With Emily Dalsfoist
Props: 1 Chair for Seated Meditation
Stability - With Emily Dalsfoist - 58 minutes
Props: 1 Mat, 2 Blocks, 1 Bolster, 1 Blanket, 1 Wall
Mobile Shoulders Open Heart - With Colin Hogan - 45 minutes
Props: 1 Mat, 1, Bolster, 1 Blanket, 2 Blocks, 1 wall
Energy Boost - With Emily Dalsfoist - 13 minutes
No props needed.
Moon Meditation - With Emily Dalsfoist - 24 minutes
Props: Whatever you need for seated and semi-reclined comfort
Earth Meditation - With Emily Dalsfoift - 11 minutes
No props needed.
Well-Rounded Practice - With Colin Hogan - 59 minutes
Props: 1 Mat, 1 Wall, 1-2 Blankets, 2 Blocks, 1 Strap and 2 Bolsters
Yoga Nidra - With Margot Strauhull - 20 minutes
Props: Whatever you need for Savasana comfort
Shoulder Love - With Shana Celnicker-Chong - 9 minutes
Props: 1 or 2 Blocks, 1 Strap
Restorative Sequence - With Colin Hogan - 49 minutes
Props: 1 Mat, 3 Bolsters, 2 Blankets, 2 Blocks, 1 Wall
Calm Your Busy Mind - With Amarylis Fernandez - 9 minutes
Props: Whatever you need for seated meditation, and Savasana comfort
Sahasrara - Crown Chakra Meditation - With Katerina Baratta - 7 minutes
Props: Whatever you need for meditation comfort
Ajna - Brow Chakra Sequence - With Katerina Baratta - 18 minutes
Props: 1 Mat, maybe 1 Block, maybe 1 or 2 Bolsters and whatever you need for Savasana comfort
Vishuddha - Throat Chakra Sequence - With Katerina Baratta - 30 minutes
Props: 1 Mat, maybe 2 Blocks, maybe 1 or 2 Bolsters and whatever you need for Savasana comfort
Anahata - Heart Chakra Sequence - With Katerina Baratta - 18 minutes
Props: 1 Mat, maybe 2 Blocks, maybe 1 or 2 Bolsters and whatever you need for Savasana comfort
Manipura - Solar Plexus Chakra Sequence - With Katerina Baratta - 31 minutes
Props: 1 Mat, maybe 2 Blocks, maybe 1 or 2 Bolsters and whatever you need for Savasana comfort
Svadhishthana - Sacral Chakra Sequence - With Katerina Baratta - 36 minutes
Props: 1 Mat, maybe 2 Blocks, maybe 1 or 2 Bolsters and whatever you need for Savasana comfort
Muladhara - Root Chakra Sequence - With Katerina Baratta - 31 minutes
Props: 1 Mat, maybe 2 Blocks, maybe 1 or 2 Bolsters and whatever you need for Savasana comfort